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Advanced Drainage Systems

Bringing a brand refresh to life in three dimensions

Advanced Drainage Systems (ADS), a water management solutions company, conducted a major brand refresh in 2020. As a result, the company found that its corporate headquarters in Hilliard, Ohio, no longer reflected some of the important pillars of the ADS mission. ADS tasked Lunne with identifying and creating key moments for engagement with environmental graphic design and branding throughout its corporate headquarters that would not only embody the refreshed brand but also showcase its commitment to environmental sustainability, display service offerings, and provide opportunities for employee recognition.


We started by mapping associate and visitor journeys and identified multiple opportunities for brand engagement. Guided by the company’s tagline, “Our reason is water,” we incorporated elements that would immediately connect employees and visitors with the company’s purpose.

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lunne-work-advanced-drainage-systems-ring wall closeup
lunne-work-advanced-drainage-systems-ceo office

I’ve worked with quite a few agencies, and I can tell you that Lunne is an agency that knows how to get things done. Not only are they agile and quick to respond, but their creative talent never ceases to amaze me. Their designs far surpass my expectations.
The Lunne team brought our brand to life in our corporate headquarters. And by doing so, they revitalized and re-energized our associates. When guests visit our headquarters, it’s not uncommon for them to refer to the brand work and talk about how beautiful our offices look.