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How we're redefining AOR

The key to relationship-building

One of my former bosses and great friends told me nearly 40 years ago, “The key to relationships is to know that they require attention.” At the time, it seemed basic, but over many years, I’ve seen that these words of wisdom are true. From spouses and children to coworkers and clients, paying attention has been the key to building long-lasting relationships.

And the same is true in marketing. Sure, “fast friends” can happen, but to build and sustain real relationships, it takes time—and a full support system of people who are paying attention.

We’re redefining AOR

That’s why in rebranding our agency to Lunne, we are redefining the traditional meaning of AOR (Agency of Record) to the Agency of Relationships. Companies used to hire an AOR, which contractually bound them to pay fortunes using the agency's services. We believe this model has seen its day, and an evolved model is more human—and much more effective. As a 20-year-old, project-and-people-based agency, we know there’s a better way, and we’re proving it. 

We believe long-lasting relationships start on the inside with genuine relationships and growth opportunities for our employees. It's from here, at our core, that we extend this philosophy to our clients. We listen to understand, we help identify the real challenges, and we share our insight and partnership freely. As a result, we set up our clients for the most success in building trusting and engaging relationships with their prospects and customers. As an Adobe study found, 70% of customers only engage with brands they trust—which isn't built overnight or through a single transaction. It requires time, authenticity, and intention when it comes to paying attention—and it can't be faked. It's how we've built productive partnerships with clients for 20 years.

Five critical steps

Through marketing that builds relationships, we know a thing or two about turning prospects into loyal advocates because we’ve been accomplishing it for decades. From the right tone of voice to relevant content and design that breaks through the clutter, we are always paying attention to what matters most. While not always a direct line, there are five key milestones to building relationships with your audience.

These include:

  • Awareness: Recognition that your brand is a potential option for their solution
  • Trial: Willingness to give your brand a try
  • Preference: Based on a successful trial, your audience will seek you out more among competitors
  • Loyalty: You’ve just gained exclusivity with your audience
  • Advocacy: Their experience is so good that they must share your brand with others

Ready to start building?

Are you looking to create more lasting, engaging, and profitable relationships with your audiences? Let us know which relationship you’re looking to improve, and we’ll be ready to pay attention.

Let’s talk

Every good relationship starts with a conversation.

Contact us