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Engaging health and finance audiences: A creative approach

In the intricate tapestry of our lives, few threads are as deeply personal and private as our health and finances. Because of the intimacy of these subjects, creating trust-based relationships for health and finance brands can be both risky and rewarding. 

It's here that Lunne's expertise comes into play. For example, we remain current on patient confidentiality and consumer finance claim language requirements and deeply understand the personas involved in health and wealth consumerism.

The personal and private nature of health and finance

Health and finance each carry their own set of challenges and triumphs. Our financial decisions shape our lifestyles, opportunities, and future prospects. Our health determines our quality of life and overall well-being. Yet, despite their significance, many individuals and companies alike struggle to address these topics openly and effectively.

According to the US Department of Health and Human Services, the proportion of adults who talk to friends or family about their health is declining. In 2017, 86.9% of people reported that they felt comfortable talking socially about their health. In 2022, 79.6% of people feel comfortable talking socially about their health. If one’s health is poor, they are more unlikely to discuss it with others. The decline of these conversations is worth noticing. 

Additionally, Wells Fargo says that “a large majority of Americans (82%) consider money to be a private topic, with up to two-thirds saying they are reluctant to talk about money, especially when it comes to how much they’ve saved (65%) and how much they earn (62%).”

Our approach

Strategy + creative + content + clear call-to-action

We recognize the sensitivity and importance of these topics. Our approach is rooted in empathy and understanding, recognizing that behind every financial decision and health concern lies a unique story and set of circumstances. We combine this empathy with strategy and creativity to offer innovative solutions tailored to the needs of our clients.

Empowering health and finance brands

Our ultimate goal is to empower health and finance companies to thrive in an increasingly interconnected world. By leveraging our expertise, they can confidently navigate this intersection's complexities, positioning themselves as leaders in their respective industries. 

Searching for the right partner?

In the realm of health and finance, the stakes are high, and the challenges are complex. Yet, with the right partner by your side, navigating this intersection becomes not only possible but also rewarding. At Lunne, we are dedicated to providing health and finance companies with the marketing power they need to succeed in today's dynamic landscape. Together, we can unlock new possibilities and pave the way for a brighter future.

Ready to embark on this journey with us? Get in touch today and discover how we can help you harness the power of creativity and strategy to transform your business.

Let’s talk

Every good relationship starts with a conversation.

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