Lunne | Blog

From LMG to Lunne: The evolution of a brand

Written by Lunne | Jul 1, 2024 10:19:39 AM

We are rebranding our marketing agency

Since our founding in 2004, a lot of things have changed in our agency: we’ve grown in people, processes, and services. And like any other growing organization, we pivoted when we needed to, paused to assess when things felt off, and experienced the peaks and valleys of evolution.

In 2020, when the world shut down and our clients’ needs shifted, we adapted to help them with their most acute pain points. We leaned into fast-turn production to keep our clients thriving, which meant implementing new systems, skills, and workflows that ensured we kept pace with their need-it-now requests.

The next year, we expanded our services offering and our national footprint. We opened a second location in Charlotte, North Carolina, a hub for financial services brands, which allowed us to serve some of our largest clients better.

Then, in 2023, we acquired treetree and opened our third office in Columbus, Ohio.

These dynamic pivots tripled our staff, doubled down on our experience, and most significantly, emphasized our focus on health and financial brands. What started as a Dayton-only team nearly 20 years prior has evolved into a multi-state team of strategic advisors for our national clients. At nearly 60 people across three bustling offices, working with leading brands in complex and highly regulated industries, we had morphed into something new.

Meet Lunne

When a brand's focus tightens, its identity evolves, its capabilities expand, or its position in the market changes, a re-evaluation of the brand itself isn't just a good idea—it's vital. For us, all of these factors signaled a pause. We weren't the same agency we were before. But in all the best ways. And so, allow us to reintroduce ourselves as Lunne.

Lunne is LMG 2.0. Because while much of our agency has changed, one thing that has remained constant is our commitment to uniquely partner with our clients to discover marketing solutions that foster deeper relationships through our combination of market expertise, our track record of trust, and our rigor of everyday problem-solving. It's always been true, but we've never said it out loud before.

Where LMG whispered, Lunne turns up the volume. Where LMG stayed mostly local, Lunne is national. Lunne is human, smart, and helpful. The Lunne team was built with intention, comprised of strategists with extensive healthcare and finance backgrounds, inspired creatives who know how to push the boundaries while staying true to the brand (and within the lines of compliance), and project managers who keep the work moving forward, on time, and on budget.

Lunne understands the sensitivity and importance of the B2B and B2B2C relationships in health and finance. In fact, we are fluent in the languages of these industries. And we are building lasting engagement on behalf of our clients one project at a time, year after year.

We’re more ready than ever

We have a sharpened focus and elevated expectations of our evolved agency. Specializing in marketing that elevates relationships, Lunne has arrived!

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